Department of English

About The Department

The department of English of Indas Mahavidyalaya was started in 2006 and it has always believed in the pursuit of excellence. It is involved in conventional practices of teaching/learning as well as beyond curriculum activities.

Modes of Teaching/Learning :- The basic mode of classroom teaching/learning using the “chalk and talk” method is complimented with ICT tools. The verbal lectures of the teachers are supplemented with study materials-print out texts, Xerox materials, website links and PDFs. For better engagement films relevant to academics are also shown. The students have regular access to the college library for primary and secondary texts. The department also organizes seminars and workshops where renewed teachers, scholars and social activities are invited as resource persons for a more immersive experience.

Modes of Assessment :- Final exams under the university mandates are conducted alongside informal and alternative assessments methods like project, assignments, surprise texts and viva for formative development of the students. Students are also encouraged and taught to blend technology and out of syllabi issues facilitating an interdisciplinary audience.

Extra-curricular activities :- The department organizes quiz, debates, essay and story writing competitions/creative writing causes effecting a multidimensional continuum. Students, in their turn organize several functions like Teachers’ Day, Basanta Utsav, College Social etc. show-casing their performative skills. The Department has its own Wall Magazine, "Symphony".

Objectives :- Academic learning is supplemented with extra curricular activities for holistic development of the young minds and fasten the qualities of leadership skills, team-work and organization and the fundamental principles of honesty, responsibility and humanity amongst them.

A. Year of Initiation of The Department: 2006

B. Programme Offered:

  • B.A. Honours in English: Since 2011
  • B.A. General/Programme in English: Since 2006/2017
  • English (NEP): Since 2023

C. Details of Programs Offered By The Department:

Program Level Under Graduate
Duration in Months 36 Months (for CBCS System) / 48 Months (for NEP System)
Eligibility Pass mark in aggregate + English as an elective subject with pass mark in  H.S or equivalent examination
Medium of Instruction English
Course Structure According to the CBCS system under BKU / According to the NEP system under BKU
Student Sanctioned Strength 100

D. Course Structure:

E. Program-Specific Outcome & Course Outcome:

F. Syllabus:

Sl. No. Title Download
1. English Honours. w.e.f. 2017-2018 Download
2. English Programme w.e.f. 2017-2018 Download
3. English Honours. w.e.f. 2022-2023 Download
4. English Programme w.e.f. 2022-2023 Download
5. English (NEP) w.e.f. 2023-2024 Download

G. Seminars / Conferences / Workshops / Events Organized:

Sl. No Date Title of Seminar / Conference / Workshop / Event Level Type Speakers Download
1. 13.09.2020

 “Paradigms of Learning: Language and Literature”

Organized by the Dept. of English, Indas Mahavidyalaya
International Webinar

1. Dr. Ashok R. Thorat, Principal and Founder-Director, Institute of Advanced Studies in English, Pune, India

2. Dr. Narugopal Mukherjee, Reader, Dept. of English, Bankura Christian College, West Bengal, India

3. Dr. Anindya Raychaudhuri, Senior Lecturer in English & Director of Postgraduate Studies, University of St. Andrews, UK

2. 14.03.2023 - 15.03.2023

“Environmental Ethics”

Jointly Organized by the Dept. of English and the Dept. of Philosophy, Indas Mahavidyalaya
State Seminar

1. Prof. (Dr.) Rajkumar Modak, Dept. of Philosophy, S.K.B. University, Purulia, W.B.

2. Dr. Naru Gopal Mukherjee, Associate Professor, Dept. of English, Bankura Christian College, Bankura, W.B.

3. Dr. Mousumi Ghosh, Principal, Sri Ramakrishna SaradaVidyamahapith, Hooghly. W.B

4. Dr. Aditi Patra Nee Ray, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Hooghly Mohsin College, Hooghly, W.B


H. Departmental Notice Board:

Sl. No. Start Date End Date Title Download
1. 21.11.23 02.12.23 Internal Assessment of SEM I, III & V, November 2023 Download
2. 15.05.2024 17.05.2024 Internal Assessment of SEM II, IV & VI, 2024 Download

I. Our Staff:

Faculty Facts
Faculty Facts
Faculty Facts
Faculty Facts